"start-server": "cross-env DEBUG=name_to_call node server. js project file, and set some breakpoints by clicking on the left hand side of the file wherever you’d like to see your code stop, and in the terminal type node inspect. Set the first drop down ‘Debug > Node: Auto Attach’ to ‘on’. Node. Now we just need to start the windows server with DEBUG, to do so we are going to use the npm package cross-env that will make easier to set an ENV variable across any operating system (platform agnostic)Ĭhange the package.json and add the following under the scripts section Here’s what you should see under the Settings tab. If you are willing to set this node app up with just a few simple steps, you can use it in lieu of using the in-browser tools in either browser, and get the same exact experience and identical comparison in both. (try pasting the code above directly to a file)

Now we have to just put the message we want to write, for example hello var debug = require('debug')('name_to_call') Var debug = require('debug')('name_to_call') Then you need to add this to import the module to the file in which you want to run the debug

You will see that the following lane has been added to you package.json (which has all the npm modules charged to your proyect) Debug.Firstly you need to install the debug module using